
my friends : halin

today i'll talk about my crazy friend, yeaah, she is halin or you can call her ponying.
ponying is a very very tidak bisa ditebak girl. sometimes she looks so silly with her glasses and her black shoes
sometimes she looks so normal with a normal clothes and normal behaviour.
sometimes she looks smart and serious
but in several times she looks CRAZY yaa, sorry :D

she often bolos with some reasons, sometimes OSIS, tonti, and many many reason.
yeaa, she smart at it

she very very like green, her shoes is green, her necklace is green, and many more

she love **** at now

ohyeaa, she wear behel and there's something we (me, poop, upil, bhrnd, tchuk) talking behind her if she eat, haha, i'm so sorry darl :)

enough about halin ye

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